Proper Disposal and Storage Methods for Elm Wood

Proper Disposal and Storage Methods for Elm Wood

The effects of the ice storm last October are still being felt as we start spring cleanup and summer yard work. Elm tree debris should be cleaned up and disposed of in a timely manner to help prevent the spread of Dutch Elm Disease (DED).

The Urban Forestry Branch recommends to safely dispose of elm wood by:

  1. Taking it to Brady Road Resource Management Facility,
  2. Chipping the wood to pieces (the wood chips can be used as mulch), or
  3. Burning the wood on site upon obtaining an Open Air Fire Permit from the Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service located at 2nd Floor, 185 King Street.

The restrictions on the storage and disposal of elm wood are necessary to prevent the spread of DED. The elm bark beetle uses intact wood as a site to lay eggs and develop a new generation of elm bark beetles. This brood wood increases the population of elm bark beetles who can transfer DED fungus from infected trees to healthy elms in the spring.

Urban Forestry Branch teams will be visiting private yards to survey for elm firewood and other elm wood debris to make sure residents are disposing of it properly. The City started this year’s program in April, a few weeks earlier than normal, because of the anticipated larger volume of firewood piles being stored as a result of the October storm.

If you have received a notice to dispose of the elm firewood in your yard and you are not sure which is elm—the elm logs are marked with red lumber crayon.

If you have wood stored on your property and are unsure of the type, you can request an inspection by contacting 311.

Note: Pruning of elm trees is banned from April 1 – July 31 as freshly-cut branches attract elm bark beetles which can carry DED fungus to healthy elms