Recently, our office has fielded many questions about skating on retention ponds, the beautiful ponds behind our homes or near neighbourhood parks. Retention ponds are not safe to use for winter […]
Brenda Leipsic park fall 2020 update
I know that we are all anxiously waiting for the full opening of the Brenda Leipsic Dog Park, unfortunately the entire dog park is not quite ready for our canine […]
Open streets engagement published
The public engagement summary for Open Streets is now available and provides an overview of the feedback collected from between August 17- September 7 of this year. Over 5,000 Winnipeggers […]
311 redesigned for better service

Both the 311 self-service website and the web pages have been redesigned for easier navigation and to better serve you. New functions have been added to the homepage including […]
2021 budget process underway
The preliminary budget for 2021 is being drafted following the annual Citizen Survey this October. This budget is an update and continuation of the 4-year budget approved in the winter […]
Talk transportation! Join a Neighbourhood Advisory Group
In anticipation of public engagement on Transportation Master Plan: 2050 (TMP205) launching next month, residents are now being invited to apply to be part of new Neighbourhood Advisory Groups that […]
Winnipeg Arts Council public art app
The Winnipeg Public Art Works mobile app helps people find 64 hidden gems that punctuate and brighten our city – from a giant kettle at Beaumont Station to youth-created collages […]
Residential food waste collection pilot
Approximately 4,000 house across Winnipeg, including in Linden Woods, have been selected to participate in the pilot. Food will be collected weekly on the same day as garbage and recycling, […]
Draft residential infill guidelines
Have your say on the draft Infill Development Guidelines to help ensure that new development in Mature Communities is compatible in form, scale, and design. Provide feedback online. Register for […]
Wellington Crescent riverbank path and roadway public engagement summary
In June and July 2020, the Wellington Crescent (Assiniboine Park to Doncaster Drive) Riverbank, Path, and Roadway project team shared an updated design and gathered feedback from the community. The […]