Last week I was thrilled to learn that Winnipeg is among the top cities for openness, transparency, and access to municipal data! Public Sector Digest recently ranked Winnipeg third in […]
Weigh in on the Draft Recreation & Parks Strategies
A draft of the long-term plans for parks and recreation is now available for public comment. Winnipeg’s Recreation & Park Strategies is 25-year framework that will guide programs, policies, and […]
Winnipeg Wellness Grant Recipient: $600 for Storefront Manitoba Inc. to celebrate active transportation and sustainable infrastructure
Staying active has never been more important to our physical and mental health than it has been this year. Café Nano is an outdoor café installation, transported to and along […]
Winnipeg Wellness Grant Recipient: $2,590 for St. Andrews River Heights United Church’s safe connection and active living initiatives
It’s been challenging to find ways to safely connect with friends and loved ones. As we know, outdoor options are always encouraged, weather-permitting. The grant will provide funding for two […]
Winnipeg Wellness Grant Recipient: $1,000 for Being Kind, Spreading Smiles from Be Kind Winnipeg
Winnipeggers taking care of one another have been one of the bright spots of the COVID-19 pandemic. And Be Kind Winnipeg is an example of just that. The Instagram account […]
Winnipeg Wellness Grant Recipient: $535 for thanking staff at Grosvenor School
We all know that educators and those who work in our schools have been under a lot of stress emotionally and physically over the past year due to the additional […]
Winnipeg Wellness Grant Recipient: $200 for tutoring supports through the Learning Disabilities Association of Manitoba
While COVID-19 has greatly changed learning for all children, those with learning disabilities and ADHD have been even more impacted. Children with learning disabilities who struggle with language attainment are […]
Cross Country Ski Trail in Kleyson Park
Through a Wellness Grant from Councillor Orlikow’s office, the Winnipeg Trails Association has set up a cross-country ski trail at Kleyson Park at the Linden Woods Community Centre. The Mobile Snow Library will […]
First Winnipeg Wellness grants announced

From left: River Heights-Fort Garry city councillor John Orlikow, and volunteers at the community rink at Sir William Osler Park, including Karen Windatt, Greg Mitchell, Jim Hrabiuk, Colin Smith and […]
$4,000 for Kleysen Park Ski Trails
Coming soon, new cross-country ski trail at Kleysen park beside Linden Woods Community Centre. The Winnipeg Trails Association is creating a new one-kilometer cross country ski loop around Kleysen park […]