Talk transportation! Join a Neighbourhood Advisory Group

Talk transportation! Join a Neighbourhood Advisory Group

In anticipation of public engagement on Transportation Master Plan: 2050 (TMP205) launching next month, residents are now being invited to apply to be part of new Neighbourhood Advisory Groups that will, throughout the project, give us critical insight into transportation challenges, needs, and opportunities from specific geographic perspectives.

TMP2050 will provide the long-term vision for transportation in Winnipeg, and the methods and means to move our city and people into the future. Through a combination of technical research, data analysis, and public and stakeholder engagement, TMP2050 will help ensure our transportation system supports quality of life and economic vitality
for years to come

Each of Winnipeg’s defined community areas will be represented by a group. For the River Heights – Fort Garry Ward, we are part of the City Centre Community.

Residents can apply online at the Transportation Masterplan webpage. Applicants will be contacted by October 29, 2020 and groups will each have their first meeting in November.