Moving Winnipeg Forward

Moving Winnipeg Forward

The 2020-2023 four-year City of Winnipeg balanced and sustainable budget provides the foundation to move Winnipeg forward.

Highlights include:

  • Over $700 million structural deficit is eliminated
  • Key investments in protecting our tree canopy, public safety and roads
  • Limits property taxes to 2.33 per cent and fee increases at inflation
  • Lays the foundation to move Winnipeg forward

Over $700 million structural deficit is eliminated

The City of Winnipeg has been facing growing costs that are outpacing our revenue. The total amount of this “structural deficit” is over $700 million over the next four years. This has to be addressed through either savings, or increased revenues.

This budget has eliminated the over $700 million in structural deficit. This is not an easy tasks but this budget has done it. 

Key investments

This budget moves Winnipeg forward by addressing the social, economic and environmental needs of Winnipeggers.

Tree canopy protection is one of the top priorities for our neighbourhood and I am pleased that one of few budget increases of an additional $2 million per year ($8 million total), securing another $1 million per year from the winter storm fund, additional revenue potential from within the newly established Transformative Fund and a further commitment to the ward’s forest canopy of $100,000 through my ward ensures that the City of Winnipeg’s tree canopy is protected.

Roads will be getting record amounts of investments to fix our transportation system including streets, sidewalks, and improvements to our active transportation system.

Public safety sees record investments in both the Winnipeg Police Service and community safety.  This budget brings the investments needed to prevent crime while providing the resources to react to crime as it happens.

Recreation and community services such as libraries, pools, and arenas are important to all Winnipeggers and this budget maintains them while continuing to fund the construction of new libraries and recreation centres to meet our future needs as a city. 

Transit is receiving a record level of investment that will move the service to the future with funding for additional busses to accommodate a high frequency network. We are introducing a new low-income transit pass and free transit travel for children under 12. Working with students, Council was able to find a solution for the continuation of the U-Pass.

Limits property taxes to 2.33% and fee increases at inflation

This four-year balanced budget includes a property tax increase of 2.33 per cent, fees raise only at inflation and a water and sewer increase of 3 per cent for the upgrades needed to the North End Treatment Plant to help save Lake Winnipeg.

Winnipeg moving forward

The City of Winnipeg faces many challenges going forward including aging infrastructure, increasing demand for services, and increasing uncertainty.  This budget recognizes that with the creation of the Transformative Fund. This fund allows the city to assess its assets and needs, and direct growth through reinvestment in our neighbourhoods. We, as a community, get to decide how we want to grow.

I look forward to working with you, and advocating successfully for what the residents of the River Heights-Fort Garry Ward elected me to do for all Winnipeggers.