This year’s curbside yard waste collection program will begin the weeks of:
- May 9 for homes in yard waste collection Area “A”
- May 16 for homes in yard waste collection Area “B”
Residents can also drop off yard waste for free at the Brady, Pacific, or Panet 4R Winnipeg Depots.
Residents can find out their yard waste collection days by visiting or by contacting 311.
Yard waste includes unlimited amounts of outside organic materials, such as grass clippings, leaves, plants, flowers, bush/shrub clippings, and small tied bundles of branches no longer than one metre or heavier than 22 kilograms.
Residents can put their yard waste in:
- Any reusable container without a lid (e.g., plastic tubs, old blue boxes, old metal or plastic garbage containers), containers should not be broken or damaged
- Cardboard boxes
- Paper yard waste bags (available at many stores)
Yard waste in plastic bags will not be accepted since plastic bags do not decompose and will ruin the finished compost.
Residents are urged not to rake any yard waste material or debris onto the street, as this can plug the street drains and cause ponding problems, as well as increase the risk of basement flooding.
In 2021, more than 30,000 tonnes of yard waste was collected through the curbside yard waste collection program and composted at the Brady Road Resource Management Facility. The composted material is used in City flower beds and in landscaping finished landfill areas. Compost also gets donated to community gardens and Winnipeg residents through our annual compost giveaway.
For information on yard waste collection, visit