Neighbourhood Safety

Neighbourhood Safety

One of the most consistent issues I hear about from you is community safety. Whether it’s calls to my office, when I’m in line at the grocery store or out walking my dog, I know you want to hear what I’m doing to make sure our cars, homes and families are protected.

As your city councillor, I understand my responsibility to advocate for Winnipeg police funding and programs for our ward and push for city-wide tactics to fight issues like the meth epidemic that has contributed to the ongoing spike in property and personal crime we have seen recently.

Together, we have succeeded in making our neighbourhood safer by:

  • Securing Winnipeg Police Service (WPS) resources to ensure more patrolling and a stronger presence in the ward
  • Implementing community grassroots safety initiatives like adding back lane lighting and education initiatives

How to get involved


Our community will only be safer when we all contribute to making it so.

The WPS directs resources based on data collected from our reporting to them. Your reporting lets WPS know when hot spots develop in the community. They, in turn, run programs directing resources to address the hotspot as it develops.

Ways of reporting

If it is an emergency or a crime is in progress, always call 9-1-1.

For non-emergencies, call 1‑204‑986‑6222.

You can also report a number of non-emergencies online. For more information, visit this site:

Community safety groups

There are a number of community groups you can join to help keep your neighbourhood safe:

Smashed Windows Club


Founded in February 2015, the Smashed Windows Club (SWC) has served River Heights residents as an advisory and data collection organization for reporting and sharing information on car break-ins and other crimes within the community while liaising with the WPS, media and other communities in the city.

Citizens on Patrol Program


The main goal of the Citizens on Patrol Program is to be on the lookout for any suspicious or criminal activity, to record this activity and, where appropriate, to report such activities to the police. COPP members act as additional eyes and ears” for their community and the police, which assists in reducing crime.

Neighbourhood Watch


The Neighbourhood Watch program is a proactive concept designed to reduce residential break and enters and other property crimes within a community.


If you’re not able to commit to becoming a member of a local safety group, there are many initiatives you can support:

Rockwood Community Yard Sale


Held for the first time this past spring, the goal of this initiative is to hold safe yard sales with an eye to cleaning out our garages. The organizer sends out tips on how to keep yourself and property safe as well as helps out with signs and advertising for your sale.

Brighten UP

Contact: Councillor Orlikow’s Office, 204-986-5236 or

Working to light up dark spots in back lanes, this program aims to install motion sensitive lights within the public right-of-way. To do so, we offer a Per Capita Grant up to $50.00 for you to install a light.

  • 1) You buy a light for the back of your garage to light the back lane and install it.
  • 2) Apply for a Per Capita Grant up to $50.00 to help cover the cost of the light, making sure to include the receipt and a photo of the installed light.

We also work in partnership with the WPS, approaching houses that have been touched multiple times by vandalism or are in hotspots in the community. They offer tips on improving your property safety, including information on the Brighten Up Light program.

Block Safety Audit

Contact: Councillor Orlikow’s Office, 204-986-5236 or

In conjunction with the WPS, if you have a group of neighbours who want to learn more about making your property unattractive to crime, the WPS will send an officer out to meet with you and your group. They will walk around your block with you, to point out risks and offer suggestions on how to protect your vehicle, yard and home.

Home Safety Audit

Contact: Councillor Orlikow’s Office, 204-986-5236 or

We are always looking for things to help you increase your safety at home and in the community. A tool developed by WPS that can help is the Home Safety Audit. WPS want you to investigate how to discourage aspiring criminals from targeting your home. When it comes to crime prevention, the following is a “Most Wanted” list of things homeowners should think about.

The full audit checklist can be found here:

“All Valuables Removed” Card

Contact: Councillor Orlikow’s Office, 204-986-5236 or

We all have a role to play in crime prevention.

A simple yellow postcard left on your dash lets vandals know that you have taken the time to clean everything out of your car, from valuables to those old sunglasses that we think no one wants.

Successful in reducing smashed windows in Calgary and Ottawa where it first started. The card acts as a reminder to to clean out our car, and to criminals it’s a message that someone is paying attention.

For more information…

Block parties

Contact: Councillor Orlikow’s Office, 204-986-5236 or

Block parties can be a time-honoured way of getting to know your neighbours. It lets us know when we see someone in our neighbour’s yard, if they belong at that house or not. Community cohesion builds safety.

As your councillor, I’m happy to provide grants to cover the cost of the permit to close down the street.

More information on how to get a permit can be found here: